We are a book club that is in Ogden, Utah. We are a group of people who love to read and share our insights. We welcome anyone who wants to join and discuss.
Who Discovered America? The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas by Gavin Menzies and Ian Hudson
Chosen by Melissa Sparks
Greatly expanding on his blockbuster 1421, distinguished historian Gavin Menzies uncovers the complete untold history of how mankind came to the Americas—offering new revelations and a radical rethinking of the accepted historical record in Who Discovered America?
The iconoclastic historian’s magnum opus, Who Discovered America? calls into question our understanding of how the American continents were settled, shedding new light on the well-known “discoveries” of European explorers, including Christopher Columbus. In Who Discovered America? he combines meticulous research and an adventurer’s spirit to reveal astounding new evidence of an ancient Asian seagoing tradition—most notably the Chinese—that dates as far back as 130,000 years ago.
Menzies offers a revolutionary new alternative to the “Beringia” theory of how humans crossed a land bridge connecting Asia and North America during the last Ice Age, and provides a wealth of staggering claims, that hold fascinating and astonishing implications for the history of mankind.
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School #1) by Gail Carriger
Chosen by Melissa Sparks
It's one thing to learn to curtsy properly. It's quite another to learn to curtsy and throw a knife at the same time. Welcome to Finishing School.
Fourteen-year-old Sophronia is a great trial to her poor mother. Sophronia is more interested in dismantling clocks and climbing trees than proper manners--and the family can only hope that company never sees her atrocious curtsy. Mrs. Temminnick is desperate for her daughter to become a proper lady. So she enrolls Sophronia in Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality.
But Sophronia soon realizes the school is not quite what her mother might have hoped. At Mademoiselle Geraldine's, young ladies learn to finish...everything. Certainly, they learn the fine arts of dance, dress, and etiquette, but they also learn to deal out death, diversion, and espionage--in the politest possible ways, of course. Sophronia and her friends are in for a rousing first year's education.
Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist
Chosen by Chelsea Barker
LIVE A LIFE OF MEANING AND CONNECTION Instead of pushing for perfection
A few years ago, I found myself exhausted and isolated, my soul and body sick. I was tired of being tired, burned out on busy. And, it seemed almost everyone I talked with was in the same boat: longing for connection, meaning, depth, but settling for busy.
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, writer, and I know all too well that settling feeling. But over the course of the last few years, I’ve learned a way to live, marked by grace, love, rest, and play. And it’s changing everything.
Present Over Perfect is an invitation to this journey that changed my life. I’ll walk this path with you, a path away from frantic pushing and proving, and toward your essential self, the one you were created to be before you began proving and earning for your worth.
Written in Shauna’s warm and vulnerable style, this collection of essays focuses on the most important transformation in her life, and maybe yours too: leaving behind busyness and frantic living and rediscovering the person you were made to be. Present Over Perfect is a hand reaching out, pulling you free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder, and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection.
Shauna offers an honest account of what led her to begin this journey, and a compelling vision for an entirely new way to live: soaked in grace, rest, silence, simplicity, prayer, and connection with the people that matter most to us.
In these pages, you’ll be invited to consider the landscape of your own life, and what it might look like to leave behind the pressure to be perfect and begin the life-changing practice of simply being present, in the middle of the mess and the ordinariness of life.
One on my favorite things that I love about Ogden is that we have tons on these Little "Free" Libraries around our neighborhood and they are kinda walking distance from our homes. This is one thing that I LOVE supporting. Yes, I love to help support the WRITTEN WORD in our community! Especially the old written, I love the smell of old books (don't judge, us book lovers do it all the time. That smell of the ink, the glue, the paper. Ah, that's one of my a favorite scents. I wish they had it bottled as a room freshener... I would certainly buy gallons of it. Anyway, I'm rambling....) Okay, back on subject! I found a few libraries that are kinda before 2nd Street. These are F-R-E-E, you can take a book and return a book or give them new books. Psst... this is a great way of ditching your old books and get new books in return. My son and I take a few books that we don't read anymore or we have read a gazillion times and then we get new books in return. Sometimes, we go to Dollar Tree and we find books that we think people might like to read for free to help support the cause (yep, I am a cheap skate.) My son and I love giving books to the libraries and we always find new books. I really hope I'm turning him into a book nerd like me. :) Okay, enough about my "schpeel". If you guys don't know where they are, I'll be happy to share these locations with everyone.
1) My favorite location: This is at the St. James The Just Catholic Church. https://stjamescatholic.com/ @ 495 N. Harrison Blvd.
2) Theodore's Little Library (Charter #32414) 1022 Southwell Street (this is just north of Rancho Street).
3)Connie Sanchez (Charter #50026) 636 E 650 N. (this is just South of Francis Park, what better way to wear the kids out at the park and pick out a new book after, just down next the street.)
4) Tracy's Little Library: 947 N. 975 E. Our very own Tracy just put up her own Little "free" Library in her neighborhood. It's super cute and I encourage everyone to come and check it out. Take a book and leave a book.
I think this is an excellent to help the community with books and the joy of reading. As for me, I spent twelve years of my life in a county that makes you pay $20 a year to renew a library card to the check out a book if you live in the County and not the Town. Then, wait anxiously for the Book Mobile to come to your town with the books that the library didn't even wany, but it was FREE. I love our libraries will let anyone who lives in the county to have a library every year to renew for $1, no matter where we live in Weber County. All my life until I was 16, I had a library card and it broke my heart when I found out the terms of the Tooele County Library, when I moved to the small town of Stockton, Utah. Anyway, I LOVE this idea of the my teenage age years and I became a proud Media Center Aide for all four years of High School at Ben Lomond High School. My flowering of a book nerd started earlier than that thanks to my Dad (he's the oldest book nerd I know,)
If you want to know more about other Little "Free" Libraries and where they are located, please visit https://littlefreelibrary.org/
The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life: Before 8AM by Hal Elrod
Chosen by Sydney Hales
Summary.... What if you could miraculously wake up tomorrow and any—or every area of your life was transformed? What would be different? Would you be happier? Healthier? More successful? In better shape? Would you have more energy? Less Stress? More Money? Better relationships? Which of your problems would be solved?
What if I told you that there is a "not-so-obvious" secret that is guaranteed to transform any—or literally every area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible? What if I told you it would only take 6 minutes a day?
Enter The Miracle Morning. What’s now being practiced by thousands of people around the world could perhaps be the simplest approach to creating the life you’ve always wanted. It’s been right there in front of us, but this book has finally brought it to life.
Are you ready? The next chapter of your life—the most extraordinary life you've ever imagined—is about to begin.
Book Choice for September 2019 The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Chosen by Amber Campbell
In this pioneering examination of the scientific principles behind success, a leading researcher reveals the surprising ways in which we can turn achievement into success.
Too often, accomplishment does not equate to success. We did the work but didn't get the promotion; we played hard but weren't recognized; we had the idea but didn't get the credit. We've always been told that talent and a strong work ethic are the key to getting ahead, but in today's world these efforts rarely translate into tangible results. Recognizing this disconnect, Laszlo Barabasi, one of the world's leading experts on the science of networks, uncovers what success really is: a collective phenomenon based on the thoughts and praise of those around you.
In The Formula, Barabasi highlights the vital importance of community respect and appreciation when connecting performance to recognition--the elusive link between performance and success. By leveraging the power of big data and historic case studies, Barabasi reveals the unspoken rules behind who truly gets ahead and why, and outlines the twelve laws that govern this phenomenon and how we can use them to our own advantage.
Unveiling the scientific principles that drive success, this trailblazing book offers a new understanding of the very foundation of how people excel in today's society.
Book Choice for August 2019
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Chosen by Tracy White
With wry wit and hard-earned wisdom, popular online personality and founder of TheChicSite.com founder Rachel Hollis helps readers break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled and exuberant life they are meant to have.
Founder of the lifestyle website TheChicSite.com and CEO of her own media company, Chic Media, Rachel Hollis has created an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of fans by sharing tips for living a better life while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own. Now comes her highly anticipated first book featuring her signature combination of honesty, humor, and direct, no-nonsense advice.
Each chapter of Girl, Wash Your Face begins with a specific lie Hollis once believed that left her feeling overwhelmed, unworthy, or ready to give up. As a working mother, a former foster parent, and a woman who has dealt with insecurities about her body and relationships, she speaks with the insight and kindness of a BFF, helping women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.
From her temporary obsession with marrying Matt Damon to a daydream involving hypnotic iguanas to her son's request that she buy a necklace to "be like the other moms," Hollis holds nothing back. With unflinching faith and tenacity, Hollis spurs other women to live with passion and hustle and to awaken their slumbering goals.
Audiobook Version (read in a kind of a weird robot voice.)
Why Did I Write the Book???
Book Discussion Questions
1. Rachel said that women emotionally abuse themselves. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
2. Do you agree with Rachel’s saying “If you constantly make and break promises to yourself, you are not making promises at all. You’re talking.”
3. Do you agree with the sentiment: “Stop waiting for someone else to fix your life. Stop assuming that someday it will magically improve on it’s own.” Do you think we get stuck in the mentality that it’s someone else’s fault that we don’t have the life we strive for?
4. Rachel says, “I am successful because I have never once believed my dreams were someone else’s to manage.” She also believes that no one is going to care about your dreams as much as you do. Do you agree with her? Are you the only one who will drive yourself towards your dreams/goals?
5. How do we compare ourselves to others? Do you think social media is making this worse? Rachel says, “Comparison is the death of all Joy, and the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday.” Is it possible to cut out comparing in our lives?
6. Did you know that peeing after Sex would help prevent an UTI?
7. Have you had a similar sex journey as Rachel?
8. Rachel says, “I cannot continue to live as half of myself simply because it’s hard for others to handle all of me,” do you have any personal experiences that you can relate to Rachel’s statement?
9. Rachel urges us to “Celebrate the small moments. They are sacred.” What are some small, sacred moments you can celebrate from that last week?
10. How do you feel about Rachel’s relationship with diet coke? Could you be friends with Rachel in real life?
11. Rachel says that “Someone Else’s opinion of you is none of your business.” Is this true? Or would you rather know what everyone thought about you at all times?
12. Do you like other people’s kids?
13. Do you like organized sports?
14. Have you ever Hated your spouse? If so when?
15. Did you recognize a specific lie you tell yourself after reading “Girl Wash your face?” If so, what lie do you tell yourself?
16. Rachel found herself with Bells Palsy and Vertigo after her busy lifestyle? Have you ever had anything similar happen to you?
17. Do you think our culture looks down on working moms? Men aren’t asked if they feel guilty because he has a job. Why do women feel guilty for being working moms?
18. Rachel says “When you really want something, you will find a way. When you don’t really want something, you’ll find an excuse.” When are excuses ok and when are they not ok?
19. Do you have any similar goals like Rachel’s $1000 Louis Vetton Speedy bag?
20. Do you catch yourself “needing” something to dull your stress and anxiety in your life like Rachel did with alcohol? How can we stop ourselves from this vicious cycle?
21. Do you think the current foster care system should be changed to prevent what happened to Rachel from happening to future families?
22. Rachel said that a new mother only has two responsibilities 1. Take care of the baby and 2. Take care of yourself. Do you have any personal experiences that this advice would have helped with?
23. Rachel peed her pants in public. Have you ever done the same thing?
24. What do you think about Rachel’s husband and how he treated her before and after she decided she was not ok with how he was treating her?
Book Choice for July 2019
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
Chosen by Melissa Sparks
For centuries mystical creatures of all description were gathered into a hidden refuge called Fablehaven to prevent their extinction. The sanctuary survives today as one of the last strongholds of true magic. Enchanting? Absolutely. Exciting? You bet. Safe? Well, actually, quite the opposite.
Kendra and her brother, Seth, have no idea that their grandfather is the current caretaker of Fablehaven. Inside the gated woods, ancient laws keep relative order among greedy trolls, mischievous satyrs, plotting witches, spiteful imps, and jealous fairies. However, when the rules get broken -- Seth is a bit too curious and reckless for his own good -- powerful forces of evil are unleashed, and Kendra and her brother face the greatest challenge of their lives. To save their family, Fablehaven, and perhaps even the world, Kendra and Seth must find the courage to do what they fear most.
Discussion questions
Spoiler alert! Some of the questions contain key elements of the plot. Do not read if you don't want to know what happens!
There can be great protection from exact obedience. How is this principle reinforced for Seth? For Kendra?
Kendra is generally a rule keeper, while Seth is a rule breaker. How did their attitudes evolve over the course of the book?
Consequences serve an essential role for maintaining order and justice and harmony. How do laws help to keep order in Fablehaven? How are Kendra and Seth affected by the consequences of their decisions?
It can be a challenge to find the courage to do what we fear most. What enables Kendra to do something that terrifies her?
Many of the creatures in Fablehaven have roots in various mythologies, particularly Greek. Can you identify which creatures come from which mythologies?
Several of the creatures of Fablehaven personify specific attributes. What do the fairies seem to personify? The satyrs? The cliff troll? What are the strengths and weaknesses of those characteristics?
Lena spends part of her life as a naiad, in an unchanging state. What aspects of mortality does she like? What does she dislike? How do you think she feels about being returned to the water? Was it fair for the fairies to do that?
Fablehaven exists to help protect and conserve vanishing magical species. Why is that worthwhile? Why do you suppose Grandpa Sorenson even wants to protect the dangerous creatures?
There is a promise at the front of the book that none who enter Fablehaven will leave unchanged. How do their experiences at Fablehaven change Seth and Kendra?
Book Choice for June 2019
Rhythm and Bluegrass by Molly Harper
Chosen by Allison Hess
Summary.... Bonnie Turkle, multimedia historian for the Kentucky Commission of Tourism, is dispatched to Mud Creek, a tiny eastern Kentucky town, with few prospects but many oddballs, to rescue important artifacts from McBride’s Music Hall. Now fallen beyond disrepair, McBride’s was once a jewel of the early American music scene, an intersection of the country-western and rhythm and blues circuits. The former owner’s grandson, Will McBride, who also happens to be Mud Creek’s esteemed mayor, would like nothing more than to see the place bull-dozed in favor of a factory that will provide much-needed jobs to his citizens. But Bonnie finds evidence of a legendary musical event at the music hall and her plans to turn it into a museum put Mud Creek’s economic future at risk – not to mention the growing flirtation between the two of them. If Will and Bonnie can’t find common ground, the town’s past and future will be lost.
Book Choice for May 2019
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Chosen by Laura Baumgarten
Summary.... Elantris was the capital of Arelon: gigantic, beautiful, literally radiant, filled with benevolent beings who used their powerful magical abilities for the benefit of all. Yet each of these demigods was once an ordinary person until touched by the mysterious transforming power of the Shaod. Ten years ago, without warning, the magic failed. Elantrians became wizened, leper-like, powerless creatures, and Elantris itself dark, filthy, and crumbling.
Arelon's new capital, Kae, crouches in the shadow of Elantris. Princess Sarene of Teod arrives for a marriage of state with Crown Prince Raoden, hoping -- based on their correspondence -- to also find love. She finds instead that Raoden has died and she is considered his widow. Both Teod and Arelon are under threat as the last remaining holdouts against the imperial ambitions of the ruthless religious fanatics of Fjordell. So Sarene decides to use her new status to counter the machinations of Hrathen, a Fjordell high priest who has come to Kae to convert Arelon and claim it for his emperor and his god.
But neither Sarene nor Hrathen suspect the truth about Prince Raoden. Stricken by the same curse that ruined Elantris, Raoden was secretly exiled by his father to the dark city. His struggle to help the wretches trapped there begins a series of events that will bring hope to Arelon, and perhaps reveal the secret of Elantris itself.
A rare epic fantasy that doesn't recycle the classics and that is a complete and satisfying story in one volume, Elantris is fleet and fun, full of surprises and characters to care about. It's also the wonderful debut of a welcome new star in the constellation of fantasy.
Elantris Reading Group Questions
Several people have asked for a list like this, so I wrote it! If you have a local book club, please consider suggesting Elantris to them. Then, you can use questions from the author himself to guide your discussion!
1) Most people who read the book find themselves gravitating toward one of the three characters. Which was your favorite, and why? Did you find yourself disliking the time I gave to other characters, and if so, which one was your least favorite?
2) The format of the book is a little bit unique. I use a ‘chapter triad’ system, where I rotate through the three viewpoints covering roughly the same period of time thrice over. How do you think this enhanced/detracted from the book? Did you even notice?
3) Some of the cultures in ELANTRIS were based, obviously, on ones from our world. (JinDo, Duladel.) Others were developed specifically for the book. (The Elantris society, most of Fjordell society.) Which culture felt the most real to you, and why?
4) The ending of the book was devised to stand out from the rest of the work. The chapter triad system broke down, the tone changed from ‘political intrigue’ to ‘outright warfare’ and the viewpoints began to speed up, moving in quick rotation. Did you like the rushed feeling of the ending, or did you find it too overwhelming? Why? Which of the twists were your favorite? Which ones did you see coming, and which ones surprised you?
5) The magic in ELANTRIS was designed to be one of its more unique points, which makes it ironic that for most of the book, it doesn’t work. What were your thoughts on this? Did you like the scientific approach to magic, or would you have preferred something more mystical? What parts of the magic system and its plotting did you like, and which did you find unimportant?
6) Hrathen’s death has been discussed very extensively in several groups I know. What were your opinions on his demise?
7) Where do YOU think the Seons came from, and how do they relate to the magic of AonDor?
8) Elantris was written as a stand-alone book. That doesn’t mean, however, that I’m not planning to eventually do more in this world. What would you like to see in a sequel?
9) Speaking of sequels, here’s what I’M planning. A book that takes place ten years after the events of ELANTRIS. It would occur in the capitol city of Fjorden, and would star Kiin’s children as viewpoint characters along with a Seon viewpoint character. The plot of the book: Wyrn has declared that Jaddeth, the Derethi God, is going to finally return. (A new interpretation of the scriptures says that he’ll return when everyone east of the mountains converts, so they don’t have to worry about Teod and Arelon.) Kiin’s family, ambassadors to the Fjordell state, has to deal with the chaos of this announcement, and investigate the truth behind the Dakhor magic. Thoughts?
10) Would you read any more of Brandon Sanderson’s books? (Hint: Mistborn is already out, and it’s really good!)
Book Choice for April 2019
Frontier Grit: The Unlikely True Stories of Daring Pioneer Women by Marianne Monson
Chosen by SaraBeth Nye
Summary.... These are the stories of twelve women who "heard the call" to settle the west and who came from all points of the globe to begin their journey: the East Coast, Europe, and as far away as New Zealand. They endured unimaginable hardships just to get to their destination and then the next phase of the story begins. These are gripping miniature dramas of good-hearted women, selfless providers, courageous immigrants and migrants, and women with skills too innumerable to list. All the women in this book did extraordinary things. One became a stagecoach driver, disguised as a man. One became a frontier doctor. One was a Gold Rush hotel and restaurant entrepreneur. Many were crusaders for social justice and women's rights. All endured hardships, overcame obstacles, broke barriers, and changed the world, for which there are inspiring lessons to be learned for the modern woman.
This meeting was actually a fun one. We got to learn a lot from each other and our choices. There were some that couldn't make due to prior obligations. But, we found out their choices and I thought it would be fun to post them here.
Amber Campbell: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkinson - The Vaccination Debate.
Today we investigate one of the biggest medical controversies of our time: vaccines. There’s little dispute about this much-- vaccines save many lives, and rarely, they injure or kill. A special federal vaccine court has paid out billions for injuries from brain damage to death. But not for the form of brain injury we call autism. Now—we have remarkable new information: a respected pro-vaccine medical expert used by the federal government to debunk the vaccine-autism link, says vaccines can cause autism after all. He claims he told that to government officials long ago, but they kept it secret.
Full Measure is a weekly Sunday news program focusing on investigative, original and accountability reporting. The host is Sharyl Attkisson, five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is backed by a team of award winning journalists.
SaraBeth Nye: A Delectable Education Podcast
Through weekly conversations, three moms who have studied the Charlotte Mason method of education and put her ideas into practice in their homes join together to share with one another for the benefit of listeners by giving explanations of Mason's principles and examples of those principles put into practice out of their own teaching experience. These short discussions aim at providing information, support, and encouragement for others by unfolding the myriad aspects.
Jamie West: Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini
In Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker, novelist Jennifer Chiaverini presents a stunning account of the friendship that blossomed between Mary Todd Lincoln and her seamstress, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Keckley, a former slave who gained her professional reputation in Washington, D.C. by outfitting the city’s elite. Keckley made history by sewing for First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln within the White House, a trusted witness to many private moments between the President and his wife, two of the most compelling figures in American history.
In March 1861, Mrs. Lincoln chose Keckley from among a number of applicants to be her personal “modiste,” responsible not only for creating the First Lady’s gowns, but also for dressing Mrs. Lincoln in the beautiful attire Keckley had fashioned. The relationship between the two women quickly evolved, as Keckley was drawn into the intimate life of the Lincoln family, supporting Mary Todd Lincoln in the loss of first her son, and then her husband to the assassination that stunned the nation and the world.
Keckley saved scraps from the dozens of gowns she made for Mrs. Lincoln, eventually piecing together a tribute known as the Mary Todd Lincoln Quilt. She also saved memories, which she fashioned into a book, Behind the Scenes: Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House. Upon its publication, Keckley’s memoir created a scandal that compelled Mary Todd Lincoln to sever all ties with her, but in the decades since, Keckley’s story has languished in the archives. In this impeccably researched, engrossing novel, Chiaverini brings history to life in rich, moving style.
Melissa Sparks: Saints 1815-1846 The Standard Of Truth by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days presents the inspiring true story of the women and men who dedicated their lives to establishing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the world. Unlike past histories, which were primarily written as reference works, Saints is written as a narrative that is engaging to read.
“Saints is a different kind of history,” said Ben Godfrey, product manager for the Saints project. “Instead of a dry recitation of the facts, Saints relates the events through the eyes of the people who lived them. The result is fast-paced and enjoyable to read.” Saints is also a multilayered history that allows readers to explore topics in depth with links to explanatory topics and the primary sources behind the text. It is based on decades of rigorous research. Every event, character, and statement is supported by historical sources. There is no historical fiction here, the history’s writers and editors say.
The explanatory Church History Topics provide detail that goes beyond the narrative. Each article has links to additional reading and trustworthy supporting sources. Readers will find links to the topic articles in the footnotes in Saints, or they can find them in the Church History section of the Gospel Library app or by visiting saints.lds.org.
Elder Steven E. Snow, Church Historian and Recorder and a General Authority Seventy, explained that “Saints was prepared in response to the Lord’s commandment to ‘keep the church record and history continually’ (Doctrine and Covenants 47:3).”
Cover of the first volume of Saints.
Speaking of the importance of Saints today, especially for younger generations of Church members, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “The young adults of the Church are truly remarkable. They face important life decisions during a time when Satan is raging in the hearts of men and women everywhere.
“I believe we will discover that even though times have changed, the same principles that helped the early Church members overcome their trials of faith will be equally valuable for us today.” Saints illuminates aspects of Church history that have been lesser known or misunderstood. It includes details and context that are important for understanding topics like violence in Missouri and Illinois, plural marriage in the early Church, the Kirtland Safety Society, and many more. Saints is also a global history, presenting the experiences of women, men, and children involved in important events of the Restoration all over the world.
The first volume in the series, titled The Standard of Truth, covers the period from Joseph Smith’s youth through the dedication of the Nauvoo Temple (1815–1846). It will be available on September 4 in 14 languages digitally and in print in English. Print editions in other languages will follow before the end of the year.
Melissa Johnson: Counting Stars by Michele Paige Holmes
Jane was hoping for a date - maybe even a boyfriend. What she wasn't expecting was Paul Bryant's completely original and sincere pick-up line: Hi. I'm Paul. I have terminal cancer. My wife was killed in a car accident, and I'm looking for a woman to raise my children.
Allison Hess: Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowley
The central character in the series is Harry Potter, a boy who lives in Surrey with his aunt, uncle, and cousin – the Dursleys – and discovers, at the age of eleven, that he is a wizard, though he lives in the ordinary world of non-magical people known as Muggles.[8] The wizarding world exists parallel to the Muggle world, albeit hidden and in secrecy. His magical ability is inborn, and children with such abilities are invited to attend exclusive magic schools that teach the necessary skills to succeed in the wizarding world.[9] Harry becomes a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a wizarding academy in Scotland, and it is here where most of the events in the series take place. As Harry develops through his adolescence, he learns to overcome the problems that face him: magical, social, and emotional, including ordinary teenage challenges such as friendships, infatuation, romantic relationships, schoolwork and exams, anxiety, depression, stress, and the greater test of preparing himself for the confrontation that lies ahead in wizarding Britain's increasingly-violent second wizarding war.[10]
Each novel chronicles one year in Harry's life[11] during the period from 1991 to 1998.[12] The books also contain many flashbacks, which are frequently experienced by Harry viewing the memories of other characters in a device called a Pensieve.
The environment Rowling created is intimately connected to reality. The British magical community of the Harry Potter books is inspired by 1990s British culture, European folklore, classical mythology and alchemy, incorporating objects and wildlife such as magic wands, magic plants, potions, spells, flying broomsticks, centaurs and other magical creatures, the Deathly Hallows, and the Philosopher's Stone, beside others invented by Rowling. While the fantasy land of Narnia is an alternate universe and the Lord of the Rings'Middle-earth a mythic past, the wizarding world of Harry Potter exists parallel to the real world and contains magical versions of the ordinary elements of everyday life, with the action mostly set in Scotland (Hogwarts), the West Country, Devon, London, and Surrey in southeast England.[13] The world only accessible to wizards and magical beings comprises a fragmented collection of overlooked hidden streets, ancient pubs, lonely country manors, and secluded castles invisible to the Muggle population.
The Harry Potter Rap
Tracy White: Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be by Rachel Hollis
With wry wit and hard-earned wisdom, popular online personality and founder of TheChicSite.com founder Rachel Hollis helps readers break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled and exuberant life they are meant to have.
Founder of the lifestyle website TheChicSite.com and CEO of her own media company, Chic Media, Rachel Hollis has created an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of fans by sharing tips for living a better life while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own. Now comes her highly anticipated first book featuring her signature combination of honesty, humor, and direct, no-nonsense advice.
Each chapter of Girl, Wash Your Face begins with a specific lie Hollis once believed that left her feeling overwhelmed, unworthy, or ready to give up. As a working mother, a former foster parent, and a woman who has dealt with insecurities about her body and relationships, she speaks with the insight and kindness of a BFF, helping women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.
From her temporary obsession with marrying Matt Damon to a daydream involving hypnotic iguanas to her son's request that she buy a necklace to "be like the other moms," Hollis holds nothing back. With unflinching faith and tenacity, Hollis spurs other women to live with passion and hustle and to awaken their slumbering goals.
Rachel Hollis: How To Build Confidence, Believe In Yourself, And Become Your Best Self.