Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (September 2019)

Book Choice for September 2019
 The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
Chosen by Amber Campbell

In this pioneering examination of the scientific principles behind success, a leading researcher reveals the surprising ways in which we can turn achievement into success.

Too often, accomplishment does not equate to success. We did the work but didn't get the promotion; we played hard but weren't recognized; we had the idea but didn't get the credit. We've always been told that talent and a strong work ethic are the key to getting ahead, but in today's world these efforts rarely translate into tangible results. Recognizing this disconnect, Laszlo Barabasi, one of the world's leading experts on the science of networks, uncovers what success really is: a collective phenomenon based on the thoughts and praise of those around you.

In The Formula, Barabasi highlights the vital importance of community respect and appreciation when connecting performance to recognition--the elusive link between performance and success. By leveraging the power of big data and historic case studies, Barabasi reveals the unspoken rules behind who truly gets ahead and why, and outlines the twelve laws that govern this phenomenon and how we can use them to our own advantage.

Unveiling the scientific principles that drive success, this trailblazing book offers a new understanding of the very foundation of how people excel in today's society.
Book Review

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis (August 2019)



Book Choice for August 2019
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Chosen by Tracy White


With wry wit and hard-earned wisdom, popular online personality and founder of TheChicSite.com founder Rachel Hollis helps readers break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled and exuberant life they are meant to have.

Founder of the lifestyle website TheChicSite.com and CEO of her own media company, Chic Media, Rachel Hollis has created an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of fans by sharing tips for living a better life while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own. Now comes her highly anticipated first book featuring her signature combination of honesty, humor, and direct, no-nonsense advice.

Each chapter of Girl, Wash Your Face begins with a specific lie Hollis once believed that left her feeling overwhelmed, unworthy, or ready to give up. As a working mother, a former foster parent, and a woman who has dealt with insecurities about her body and relationships, she speaks with the insight and kindness of a BFF, helping women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.

From her temporary obsession with marrying Matt Damon to a daydream involving hypnotic iguanas to her son's request that she buy a necklace to "be like the other moms," Hollis holds nothing back. With unflinching faith and tenacity, Hollis spurs other women to live with passion and hustle and to awaken their slumbering goals.


Build Confidence In Yourself.
Audiobook Version (read in a kind of a weird robot voice.)
Why Did I Write the Book???
Book Discussion Questions

1. Rachel said that women emotionally abuse themselves. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
2. Do you agree with Rachel’s saying “If you constantly make and break promises to yourself, you are not making promises at all. You’re talking.”
3. Do you agree with the sentiment: “Stop waiting for someone else to fix your life. Stop assuming that someday it will magically improve on it’s own.” Do you think we get stuck in the mentality that it’s someone else’s fault that we don’t have the life we strive for?
4. Rachel says, “I am successful because I have never once believed my dreams were someone else’s to manage.” She also believes that no one is going to care about your dreams as much as you do. Do you agree with her? Are you the only one who will drive yourself towards your dreams/goals?
5. How do we compare ourselves to others? Do you think social media is making this worse? Rachel says, “Comparison is the death of all Joy, and the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday.” Is it possible to cut out comparing in our lives?
6. Did you know that peeing after Sex would help prevent an UTI?
7. Have you had a similar sex journey as Rachel?
8. Rachel says, “I cannot continue to live as half of myself simply because it’s hard for others to handle all of me,” do you have any personal experiences that you can relate to Rachel’s statement?
9. Rachel urges us to “Celebrate the small moments. They are sacred.” What are some small, sacred moments you can celebrate from that last week?
10. How do you feel about Rachel’s relationship with diet coke? Could you be friends with Rachel in real life?
11. Rachel says that “Someone Else’s opinion of you is none of your business.” Is this true? Or would you rather know what everyone thought about you at all times? 
 12. Do you like other people’s kids? 
13. Do you like organized sports?
14. Have you ever Hated your spouse? If so when? 
15. Did you recognize a specific lie you tell yourself after reading “Girl Wash your face?” If so, what lie do you tell yourself? 
16. Rachel found herself with Bells Palsy and Vertigo after her busy lifestyle? Have you ever had anything similar happen to you?
17. Do you think our culture looks down on working moms? Men aren’t asked if they feel guilty because he has a job. Why do women feel guilty for being working moms? 
18.  Rachel says “When you really want something, you will find a way. When you don’t really want something, you’ll find an excuse.” When are excuses ok and when are they not ok? 
19. Do you have any similar goals like Rachel’s $1000 Louis Vetton Speedy bag? 
20. Do you catch yourself “needing” something to dull your stress and anxiety in your life like Rachel did with alcohol? How can we stop ourselves from this vicious cycle? 
21. Do you think the current foster care system should be changed to prevent what happened to Rachel from happening to future families?
22. Rachel said that a new mother only has two responsibilities 1. Take care of the baby and 2. Take care of yourself. Do you have any personal experiences that this advice would have helped with?
23.  Rachel peed her pants in public. Have you ever done the same thing? 
24. What do you think about Rachel’s husband and how he treated her before and after she decided she was not ok with how he was treating her? 
25. What is your biggest dream?!?

***UPDATED CHANGE FOR NOVEMBER 2019*** Who Discovered America? The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas by Gavin Menzies and Ian Hudson (November 2019) ***UPDATED***

November 2019 Who Discovered America? The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas by Gavin Menzies and Ian Hudson Chosen b...